
1.6.8 (2024-10-19)

  • (Fixed) Incorrect visualisation with PlantUML due to a backward incompatible change in their viewer.

1.6.7 (2024-10-18)

  • (Fixed) Minimal version of Python, and related installation instructions.

1.6.6 (2023-10-30)

  • (Fixed) Backward incompatible change in ruamel.yaml.

1.6.5 (2023-05-08)

  • (Fixed) Dropped support for Python 3.5 and 3.6 since they are no longer supported by ruamel.yaml used internally.

1.6.4 (2023-03-03)

  • (Fixed) Invalid output of export_to_plantuml if statechart_preamble is enabled, with plantuml-1.2022.12 (#119).

1.6.3 (2021-08-05)

  • (Fixed) Statechart.remove_state no longer resets all initial states and all history states (#110, Rigó Ernő).

1.6.2 (2020-12-29)

  • (Added) Support for Python 3.9.

  • (Fixed) Remove deprecated import from collections (#101).

  • (Fixed) Remove deprecated threading.isAlive used in sismic.runner.AsyncRunner.

1.6.1 (2020-07-10)

  • (Fixed) Remove dependency to typing since it is no longer required for Python 3.5 and prevents the installation of Sismic.

1.6.0 (2020-03-28)

  • (Added) Arrows to represent initial memory of an history state for (#96).

  • (Fixed) Issue preventing initial memory to be defined for history states (#95).

1.5.0 (2020-03-09)

  • (Added) A sismic-plantuml command-line utility to access

1.4.2 (2019-07-19)

  • (Fixed) Transitions are no longer duplicated when calling copy_from_statechart (#91).

1.4.1 (2019-01-15)

The internals required to expose time and event-related predicates in a PythonEvaluator are moved to the Interpreter instead of being handled by context providers. This eases the implementation by other code evaluators of uniform semantics for these predicates. This change does not affect Sismic public API.

  • (Deprecated) Internal module sismic.code.context.

1.4.0 (2018-10-21)

This new release contains many internal changes. While the public API is stable and/or backwards compatible, expect some breaking changes if you relied on Sismic internal API.

A new binding/monitoring system has been deployed on Interpreter, allowing listeners to be notified about meta-events. Listeners are simply callables that accept meta-events instances.

  • (Added) An Interpreter.attach method that accepts any callable. Meta-events raised by the interpreter are propagated to attached listeners.

  • (Added) An Interpreter.detach method to detach a previously attached listener.

  • (Added) Module sismic.interpreter.listener with two convenient listeners for the newly introduced Interpreter.attach method. The InternalEventListener identifies sent events and propagates them as external events. The PropertyStatechartListener propagates meta-events, executes and checks property statecharts.

  • (Changed) Interpreter.bind is built on top of attach and InternalEventListener.

  • (Changed) Interpreter.bind_property_statechart is built on top of attach and PropertyStatechartListener.

  • (Changed) Meta-Event step started has a time attribute.

  • (Changed) Property statecharts are checked for each meta-events, not only at the end of the step.

  • (Changed) Meta-events step started and step ended are sent even if no step can be processed.

  • (Deprecated) Passing an interpreter to bind_property_statechart is deprecated, use interpreter_klass instead.

Time and event related predicates were extracted from PythonEvaluator to ease their reuse. They can be found in TimeContextProvider and EventContextProvider of sismic.code.context and rely on the new monitoring system:

  • (Added) TimeContextProvider and EventContextProvider in sismic.code.context that exposes most of the predicates that are used in PythonEvaluator.

  • (Added) A setdefault function that can be used in the preamble and actions of a statechart to assign a default value to a variable.

  • (Changed) Most predicates exposed by PythonEvaluator are implemented by context providers.

  • (Deprecated) on_step_starts method of an Evaluator.

We also refactored how events are passed and processed by the interpreter. The main visible consequences are:

  • (Added) Event parameters can be directly passed to Interpreter.queue.

  • (Fixed) Internal events are processed before external ones (regression introduced in 1.3.0).

  • (Fixed) Optional transition for testing.transition_is_processed, as promised by its documentation but not implemented.

  • (Removed) Internal module sismic.interpreter.queue.

  • (Deprecated) DelayedEvent, use Event with a delay parameter instead.

  • (Deprecated) BDD step delayed event sent, use event sent instead.

And some other small changes:

  • (Added) Documentation about concurrently running multiple statecharts.

  • (Changed) State invariants are checked even if no step can be processed.

  • (Fixed) Hook-errors reported by sismic-bdd CLI are a little bit more verbose (#81).

1.3.0 (2018-07-06)

Priority can be defined on transitions, allowing to simulate default transitions and to break non-deterministic situations when many transitions are triggered for a single source state:

  • (Added) Priority can be set for transitions (using low, high or any integer in yaml). Transitions are selected according to their priorities (still following eventless and inner-first/source state semantics).

  • (Added) Interpreter’s _select_transitions gets two new parameters, eventless_first and inner_first. Both default to True and can be used in subclasses to change the default semantics of the interpreter.

The current time of an interpreter is now clock-based driven, thanks to the Clock base class and its implementations.

  • (Added) A sismic.clock module with a Clock base class and three direct implementations, namely SimulatedClock, UtcClock and SynchronizedClock. A SimulatedClock allows to manually or automatically change the time, while a UtcClock as the expected behaviour of a wall-clock and a SynchronizedClock is a clock that synchronizes with another interpreter. Clock instances are used by the interpreter to get the current time during execution. See documentation for more information.

  • (Added) An Interpreter.clock attribute that stores an instance of the newly added Clock class.

  • (Changed) interpreter.time represents the time of the last executed step, not the current time. Use interpreter.clock.time instead.

  • (Deprecated) Setting Interpreter.time is deprecated, set time with Interpreter.clock.time instead.

Queued events can be delayed when they are added to the interpreter event queue.

  • (Added) Delayed events are supported through DelayedEvent and DelayedInternalEvent. If a delayed event with delay d is queued or sent by an interpreter at time t, it will not be processed unless execute or execute_once is called after the current clock exceeds t + d.

  • (Added) Property statecharts receive a delayed event sent meta-event when a delayed event is sent by a statechart.

  • (Added) Delayed events can be sent from within a statechart by specifying a delay parameter to the sent function.

  • (Added) An EventQueue class (in sismic.interpreter.queue) that controls how (delayed) events are handled by an interpreter.

A new interpreter runner that benefit from the clock-based handling of time and delayed events:

  • (Added) An AsyncRunner in the newly added runner module to asynchronously run an interpreter at regular interval.

  • (Changed) helpers.run_in_background no longer synchronizes the interpreter clock. Use the start() method of interpreter.clock or an UtcClock instance instead.

  • (Deprecated) helpers.run_in_background is deprecated, use runner.AsyncRunner instead.

And other small changes:

  • (Added) A sismic.testing module containing some testing primitives to ease the writing of unit tests.

  • (Changed) Interpreter.queue does not longer accept InternalEvent.

  • (Fixed) State on entry time (used for idle and after) is set after the on entry action is executed, making the two predicates more accurate when long-running actions are executed when a state is entered. Similarly, idle is reset after the action of a transition is performed, not before.

  • (Changed) Drop official support for Python 3.4.

1.2.2 (2018-06-21)

  • (Fixed) Event shouldn’t be exposed when guards of eventless transitions are evaluated (regression introduced in version 1.2.1).

  • (Changed) Improve performances when selecting transitions that could/will be triggered.

1.2.1 (2018-06-19)

  • (Fixed) Transitions are evaluated according to their event (eventless ones first) and inner-first/source state semantics, allowing to bypass many useless guard evaluations.

1.2.0 (2018-06-11)

  • (Added) A notify function that can be used in the action code fragments of a statechart to send user-defined meta-events to the bound property statecharts (#67).

1.1.2 (2018-05-09)

  • (Fixed) Interpreter instances can be serialized using pickle (#66).

1.1.1 (2018-04-26)

  • (Fixed) Whitespaces in event parameters used in BDD steps are stripped before they are evaluated.

1.1.0 (2018-04-23)

  • (Added) Interpreter._select_event accepts an additional parameter consume that can be used to select an event without consuming it.

  • (Added) Documentation for extensions, and two (not included in Sismic!) extensions providing import/export with AMOLA, and new semantics for the interpreter.

  • (Fixed) Final states remain in the active configuration unless they are all children of the root state. In this case, statechart execution is stopped. Previously, if all leaf states of the active configuration were final states, the execution stopped even if these final states were nested in an orthogonal or compound state. The corrected behavior strictly adheres to SCXML 1.0 semantics. This could be a backward incompatible change if you explicitly relied on the previously wrong behaviour.

1.0.1 (2018-04-18)

  • (Fixed) BDD steps that involve a state raise a StatechartError if state does not exist. This prevents state X is active (and its variants) to fail, e.g., because X is misspelled.

1.0.0 (2018-04-11)

After more than two years of development, Sismic is stable enough to be released in version 1.0.0. Consequently, Sismic will adhere to semantic versioning (see, meaning that breaking changes will only occur in major releases, backward compatible changes in minor releases, and bug fixes in patches.

0.26.9 (2018-04-03)

  • (Fixed) based_on for export_to_plantuml correctly takes into account states whose name contains whitespaces.

  • (Fixed) export_to_plantuml properly exports transition with no event, no guard and no action.

  • (Changed) export_to_yaml does not add quotes by default.

0.26.8 (2018-03-23)

  • (Added) import_from_yaml accepts a filepath argument.

  • (Added) based_on and based_on_filepath parameters for export_to_plantuml so a previously generated PlantUML file can be used as a basis for a new one (including its modifications related to the direction and length of transitions).

0.26.7 (2018-03-21)

  • (Removed) Nested context (ie. nested variable scopes) for the Python code evaluator.

  • (Fixed) BDD step expression {expression} holds.

0.26.6 (2018-03-17)

  • (Changed) Export to PlantUML uses short arrows by default.

  • (Changed) Many improvements related to the transitions when using export_to_plantuml.

0.26.4 (2018-03-16)

  • (Added) sismic.bdd.execute_bdd can be used to execute BDD tests programmatically.

  • (Added) sismic.bdd.__main__ is the CLI interface for sismic-behave and can now be executed using python -m sismic.bdd too if sismic is available but not installed.

  • (Added) Many tests for BDD steps.

  • (Changed) Statechart.copy_from_statechart has only its first argument that can be provided by position. The remaining ones (esp. source and replace) should be provided by name.

  • (Fixed) Sismic requires behave >= 1.6.0.

  • (Fixed) Older versions of typing do not contain Deque.

  • (Removed) sismic.bdd.cli.execute_behave, subsumed by sismic.bdd.execute_bdd.

0.26.3 (2018-03-15)

  • (Added) sismic.bdd exposes sismic.bdd.cli.execute_behave function to programmatically use sismic-bdd.

  • (Changed) execute_behave function has only two required parameters, and the remaining ones (that have default values) can only be set by name, not by position.

  • (Changed) action_alias and assertion_alias of module sismic.bdd.steps are renamed to map_action and map_assertion and are directly available from sismic.bdd.

0.26.2 (2018-03-15)

  • (Fixed) Step Given/when I repeat “{step}” {repeat} times requires step to be provided with no Gherkin keyword. The current keyword (either given or when) is automatically used.

  • (Fixed) Escape expression in then expression “{expression}” holds and its negative counterpart.

0.26.0 (2018-03-15)

Sismic support for BDD was completely rewritten. The CLI is now sismic-bdd, pointing to the cli submodule of the newly created sismic.bdd module. All steps that are related to Sismic internals were removed, and only steps that manipulate the statechart are kept. Check the documentation and sismic.bdd.steps for more information. Execution semantics have slightly changed but shouldn’t have any impact when running BDD tests. Predefined steps can be easily extended thanks to the action_alias and assertion_alias helpers. See documentation for more details.

  • (Changed) sismic-behave CLI is now sismic-bdd.

  • (Removed) --coverage option from sismic-behave CLI.

  • (Changed) Rename sismic.testing to sismic.bdd, and sismic.testing.behave to sismic.bdd.cli.

  • (Changed) A new list of predefined steps, available in sismic.bdd.steps, see documentation.

  • (Changed) A “when” step is now required before any “then” step. The “then” steps assert on what happens during the “when” steps, and not on the whole execution or the last step as before.

  • (Added) sismic.bdd.steps provides action_alias and assertion_alias to make defining new steps easy.

  • (Changed) BDD tests are directly executed by pytest (instead of being triggered by Travis-CI).

Other changes:

  • (Changed) Interpreter.bind_property becomes Interpreter.bind_property_statechart.

  • (Changed) helpers.coverage_from_trace returns a dict with “entered states”, “exited states” and “processed transitions”.

  • (Removed) Unused io.text.

0.25.3 (2018-03-13)

  • (Fixed) export_to_dict (and by extension, export_to_yaml) didn’t export transition contracts.

  • (Changed) All the tests are now written using pytest instead of unittest.

0.25.2 (2018-03-11)

  • (Added) Make Event, InternalEvent and MetaEvent available from interpreter as well.

  • (Changed) Move helpers from sismic.interpreter.helpers to sismic.helpers.

  • (Removed) Remove module stories, not really required anymore.

0.25.1 (2018-03-09)

  • (Added) Full equality comparison (__eq__) for states and transitions (including all relevant attributes).

  • (Added) Interpreter.queue also accepts an event name in addition to an Event instance.

  • (Added) Interpreter.queue accepts more than one event (or name) at once.

  • (Changed) Evaluator.execute_onentry and execute_onexit become execute_on_entry and execute_on_exit.

  • (Changed) Many type annotations were added or fixed.

  • (Changed) Interpreter.bind can no longer be chained.

0.25.0 (2018-03-09)

Property statecharts do not require anymore the use of an ExecutionWatcher and are now directly supported by the interpreter. The documentation contains a new page, Monitoring properties, that explains how to monitor properties at runtime and provides some examples of property statecharts.

  • (Added) Property statechart can be bound to an interpreter with interpreter.bound_property method, that accepts either a Statechart or an Interpreter instance.

  • (Added) A PropertyStatechartError that is raised when a property statechart reaches a final state.

  • (Added) A MetaEvent class to represent meta-events sent by the interpreter for property statechart checking.

  • (Added) Interpreter._notify_property(event_name, **kwargs) and Interpreter._check_properties(macro_step) that are used internally to respectively send meta-events to bound properties, and to check these properties.

  • (Changed) Interpreter.raise_event is now Interpreter._raise_event as it’s not supposed to be part of the public API.

  • (Removed) sismic.testing module was removed (including the ExecutionWatcher and TestStoryFromTrace).

  • (Removed) BDD steps related to the execution watcher, in sismic.testing.steps.

  • (Fixed) Interpreter.time cannot be set to a lower value than the current one (ie. time is monotonic).

  • (Fixed) A statechart preamble cannot be used to send events.

0.24.3 (2018-03-08)

  • (Fixed) ExecutionWatcher.stop() was not called at the end of the execution when sismic-behave was called with --properties.

  • (Removed) Unused dependency on pyparsing.

0.24.2 (2018-02-27)

  • (Added) contains an export_to_plantuml function to export a statechart to PlantUML.

  • (Added) sismic-behave accepts a --properties argument, pointing to a list of YAML files containing property statecharts that will be checked during execution (in a fail fast mode).

  • (Changed) accepts an additional filepath argument.

  • (Fixed) Whitespaces in strings are trimmed when using import_from_dict (and hence, using import_from_yaml).

0.23.1 (2018-02-20)

  • (Fixed) An exited state is removed from the current configuration before its postconditions are checked.

  • (Removed) Sequential conditions that were introduced in 0.22.0.

0.22.11 (2017-01-12)

  • (Fixed) Path error when using sismic-behave on Windows.

0.22.10 (2016-11-25)

  • (Added) A --debug-on-error parameter for sismic-behave.

0.22.9 (2016-11-25)

  • (Fixed) Behave step “Event x should be fired” now checks that the event was fired during the last execution.

0.22.8 (2016-10-19)

  • (Fixed) YAML values like “1”, “1.0”, “yes”, “True” are converted to strings, not to int, float and bool respectively.

  • (Changed) ruamel.yaml replaces pyyaml as supported YAML parser.

  • (Changed) Use schema instead of pykwalify (which unfortunately freezes its dependencies versions) to validate (the structure of) YAML files.

  • (Changed) import_from_yaml raises StatechartError instead of SchemaError if it cannot validate given YAML against the predefined schema.

0.22.7 (2016-08-19)

  • (Added) A new helper coverage_from_trace that returns coverage information (in absolute numbers) from a trace.

  • (Added) Parameter fails_fast (default is False, behavior preserved) for ExecutionWatcher.watch_with methods. This parameter allows the watcher to raise an AssertionError as soon as the added watcher reaches a final configuration.

  • (Changed) StateMixin, Transition and Event’s __eq__ method returns a NotImplemented object if the other object involved in the comparison is not an instance of the same class, meaning that Event('a') == 1 now raises a NotImplementedError instead of being False.

0.22.6 (2016-08-03)

  • (Changed) Event, MacroStep, MicroStep, StateMixin, Transition, Statechart and Interpreter’s __repr__ returns a valid Python expression.

  • (Changed) The context returned by a PythonEvaluator (and thus by the default Interpreter) exhibits nested variables (the ones that are not defined in the preamble of a statechart). Those variables are prefixed by the name of the state in which they are declared, to avoid name clashing.

  • (Changed) Context variables are sorted in exceptions’.__str__ methods.

0.22.4 (2016-07-08)

  • (Added) sismic-behave CLI now accepts a --steps parameter, which is a list of file paths containing the steps implementation.

  • (Added) sismic-behave CLI now accepts a --show-steps parameter, which list the steps (equivalent to Behave’s overriden --steps parameter).

  • (Added) sismic-behave now returns an appropriate exit code.

  • (Changed) Reorganisation of docs/examples.

  • (Fixed) Coverage data for sismic-behave takes the initialization step into account (regression introduced in 0.21.0).

0.22.3 (2016-07-06)

  • (Added) sent and received are also available in preconditions and postconditions.

0.22.2 (2016-07-01)

  • (Added) model.Event is now correctly pickled, meaning that Sismic can be used in a multiprocessing environment.

0.22.1 (2016-06-29)

  • (Added) A event {event_name} should not be fired steps for BDD.

  • (Added) Both MicroStep and MacroStep have a list sent_events of events that were sent during the step.

  • (Added) Property statecharts receive a event sent event when an event is sent by the statechart under test.

  • (Changed) Events fired from within the statechart are now collected and sent at the end of the current micro step, instead of being immediately sent.

  • (Changed) Invariants and sequential contracts are now evaluated ordered by their state’s depth

0.22.0 (2016-06-13)

  • (Added) Support for sequential conditions in contracts (see documentation for more information).

  • (Added) Python code evaluator: after and idle are now available in postconditions and invariants.

  • (Added) Python code evaluator: received and sent are available in invariants.

  • (Added) An Evaluator has now a on_step_starts method which is called at the beginning of each step, with the current event (if any) being processed.

  • (Added) Interpreter.raise_event to send events from within the statechart.

  • (Added) A copy_from_statechart method for a Statechart instance that allows to copy (part of) a statechart into a state.

  • (Added) Microwave controller example (see docs/examples/microwave.[yaml|py]).

  • (Changed) Events sent by a code evaluator are now returned by the execute_* methods instead of being automatically added to the interpreter’s queue.

  • (Changed) Moved run_in_background and log_trace from sismic.interpreter to the newly added sismic.interpreter.helpers.

  • (Changed) Internal API changes: rename self.__x to self._x to avoid (mostly) useless name mangling.

0.21.0 (2016-04-22)

Changes for interpreter.Interpreter class:

  • (Removed) _select_eventless_transition which is a special case of _select_transition.

  • (Added) _select_event, extracted from execute_once.

  • (Added) _filter_transitions, extracted from _select_transition.

  • (Changed) _execute_step is now _apply_step.

  • (Changed) _compute_stabilization_step is now _create_stabilization_step and accepts a list of state names

  • (Changed) _compute_transitions_step is now _create_steps.

  • (Changed) Except for the statechart parameter, all the parameters for Interpreter’s constructor can now be only provided by name.

  • (Fixed) Contracts on a transition are checked (if not explicitly disabled) even if the transition has no action.

  • (Fixed) Evaluator.execute_action is called even if the transition has no action.

  • (Fixed) States are added/removed from the active configuration as soon as they are entered/exited. Previously, the configuration was only updated at the end of the step (and could possibly lead to inaccurate results when using active(name) in a PythonEvaluator).

The default PythonEvaluator class has been completely rewritten:

  • (Changed) Code contained in states and/or transitions is now executed with a local context instead of a global one. The local context of a state is built upon the local context of its parent, and so one until the local context of the statechart is reached. This should facilitate the use of dummy variables in nested states and transitions.

  • (Changed) The code is now compiled (once) before is evaluation/execution. This should increase performance.

  • (Changed) The frozen context of a state (ie. __old__) is now computed only if contracts are checked, and only if at least one invariant or one postcondition exists.

  • (Changed) The initial_context parameter of Evaluator’s constructor can now only be provided by name.

  • (Changed) The additional_context parameter of Evaluator._evaluate_code and Evaluator._execute_code can now only be provided by name.


  • (Fixed) Step I load the statechart now executes (once) the statechart in order to put it into a stable initial configuration (regression introduced in 0.20.0).

0.20.5 (2016-04-14)

  • (Added) Type hinting (see PEP484 and mypy-lang project)

0.20.4 (2016-03-25)

  • (Changed) Statechart testers are now called property statechart.

  • (Changed) Property statechart can describe desirable and undesirable properties.

0.20.3 (2016-03-22)

  • (Changed) Step Event x should be fired now checks sent events from the beginning of the test, not only for the last executed step.

  • (Fixed) Internal events that are sequentially sent are now sequentially consumed (and not anymore in reverse order).

0.20.2 (2016-02-24)

  • (Fixed) interpreter.log_trace does not anymore log empty macro step.

0.20.1 (2016-02-19)

  • (Added) A step ended event at the end of each step in a tester story.

  • (Changed) The name of the events and attributes that are exposed in a tester story has changed. Consult the documentation for more information.

0.20.0 (2016-02-17)

  • (Added) Module interpreter provides a log_trace function that takes an interpreter instance and returns a (dynamic) list of executed macro steps.

  • (Added) Module testing exposes an ExecutionWatcher class that can be used to check statechart properties with tester statecharts at runtime.

  • (Changed) Interpreter.__init__ does not anymore stabilize the statechart. Stabilization is done during the first call of execute_once.

  • (Changed) Story.tell returns a list of MacroStep (the trace) instead of an Interpreter instance.

  • (Changed) The name of some attributes of an event in a tester story changes (e.g. event becomes consumed_event, state becomes entered_state or exited_state or source_state or target_state).

  • (Removed) Interpreter.trace, as it can be easily obtained from execute_once or using log_trace.

  • (Removed) Interpreter.__init__ does not accept an initial_time parameter.

  • (Fixed) Parallel state without children does not any more result into an infinite loop.

0.19.0 (2016-02-10)

  • (Added) BDD can now output coverage data using --coverage command-line argument.

  • (Changed) The YAML definition of a statechart must use root state: instead of initial state:.

  • (Changed) When a contract is evaluated by a PythonEvaluator, __old__.x raises an AttributeError instead of a KeyError if x does not exist.

  • (Changed) Behave is now called from Python instead of using a subprocess and thus allows debugging.

0.18.1 (2016-02-03)

  • (Added) Support for behavior-driven-development using Behave.

0.17.3 (2016-01-29)

  • (Added) An io.text.export_to_tree that returns a textual representation of the states.

  • (Changed) Statechart.rename_to does not anymore raise KeyError but exceptions.StatechartError.

  • (Changed) Wheel build should work on Windows

0.17.1 (2016-01-25)

Many backward incompatible changes in this update, especially if you used to work with model. The YAML format of a statechart also changed, look carefully at the changelog and the documentation.

  • (Added) YAML: an history state can declare on entry and on exit.

  • (Added) Statechart: new methods to manipulate transitions: transitions_from, transitions_to, transitions_with, remove_transition and rotate_transition.

  • (Added) Statechart: new methods to manipulate states: remove_state, rename_state, move_state, state_for, parent_for, children_for.

  • (Added) Steps: __eq__ for MacroStep and MicroStep.

  • (Added) Stories: tell_by_step method for a Story.

  • (Added) Testing: teststory_from_trace generates a step event at the beginning of each step.

  • (Added) Module: a new exceptions hierarchy (see exceptions module). The new exceptions are used in place of the old ones (Warning, AssertionError and ValueError).

  • (Changed) YAML: uppermost states: should be replaced by initial state: and can contain at most one state.

  • (Changed) YAML: uppermost on entry: should be replaced by preamble:.

  • (Changed) YAML: initial memory of an history state should be specified using memory instead of initial.

  • (Changed) YAML: contracts for a statechart must be declared on its root state.

  • (Changed) Statechart: rename StateChart to Statechart.

  • (Changed) Statechart: rename events to events_for.

  • (Changed) Statechart: states attribute is now Statechart.state_for method.

  • (Changed) Statechart: register_state is now add_state.

  • (Changed) Statechart: register_transition is now add_transition.

  • (Changed) Statechart: now defines a root state.

  • (Changed) Statechart: checks done in validate.

  • (Changed) Transition: .event is a string instead of an Event instance.

  • (Changed) Transition: attributes from_state and to_state are renamed into source and target.

  • (Changed) Event: __eq__ takes data attribute into account.

  • (Changed) Event: raises an AttributeError instead of a KeyError if foo is not defined.

  • (Changed) State: is now read-only (use Statechart.rename_state).

  • (Changed) State: split HistoryState into a mixin HistoryStateMixin and two concrete subclasses, namely ShallowHistoryState and DeepHistoryState.

  • (Changed) IO: Complete rewrite of io.import_from_yaml to load states before transitions. Parameter names have changed.

  • (Changed) Module: adapt module hierarchy (no visible API change).

  • (Changed) Module: expose module content through __all__.

  • (Removed) Transition: transitions attribute on TransitionStateMixin, use Statechart.transitions_for instead.

  • (Removed) State: CompositeStateMixin.children, use Statechart.children_for instead.

0.16.0 (2016-01-15)

  • (Added) An InternalEvent subclass for model.Event.

  • (Added) Interpreter now exposes its statechart.

  • (Added) Statechart.validate checks that a targeted compound state declares an initial state.

  • (Changed) Interpreter.queue does not accept anymore an internal parameter. Use an instance of InternalEvent instead (#20).

  • (Fixed) Story.story_from_trace now ignores internal events (#19).

  • (Fixed) Condition C3 in Statechart.validate.

0.15.0 (2016-01-12)

  • (Changed) Rename Interpreter.send to Interpreter.queue (#18).

  • (Changed) Rename evaluator module to code.

0.14.3 (2016-01-12)

  • (Added) Changelog.

  • (Fixed) Missing files in