Behavior-Driven Development¶
About Behavior-Driven Development¶
This introduction is inspired by the documentation of Behave, a Python library for Behavior-Driven Development (BDD). BDD is an agile software development technique that encourages collaboration between developers, QA and non-technical or business participants in a software project. It was originally named in 2003 by Dan North as a response to test-driven development (TDD), including acceptance test or customer test driven development practices as found in extreme programming.
BDD focuses on obtaining a clear understanding of desired software behavior through discussion with stakeholders. It extends TDD by writing test cases in a natural language that non-programmers can read. Behavior-driven developers use their native language in combination with the language of domain-driven design to describe the purpose and benefit of their code. This allows developers to focus on why the code should be created, rather than the technical details, and minimizes translation between the technical language in which the code is written and the domain language spoken by the business, users, stakeholders, project management, etc.
The Gherkin language¶
The Gherkin language is a business readable, domain specific language created to support behavior descriptions in BDD. It lets you describe software’s behaviour without the need to know its implementation details. Gherkin allows the user to describe a software feature or part of a feature by means of representative scenarios of expected outcomes. Like YAML or Python, Gherkin aims to be a human-readable line-oriented language.
Here is an example of a feature and scenario description with Gherkin, describing part of the intended behaviour of the Unix ls command:
Feature: ls
In order to see the directory structure
As a UNIX user
I need to be able to list the current directory's contents
Scenario: List 2 files in a directory
Given I am in a directory "test"
And I have a file named "foo"
And I have a file named "bar"
When I run "ls"
Then I should get:
As can be seen above, Gherkin files should be written using natural language - ideally by the non-technical business participants in the software project. Such feature files serve two purposes: documentation and automated tests. Using one of the available Gherkin parsers, it is possible to execute the described scenarios and check the expected outcomes.
See also
A quite complete overview of the Gherkin language is available here.
Sismic support for BDD¶
Since statecharts are executable pieces of software, it is desirable for statechart users to be able to describe
the intended behavior in terms of feature and scenario descriptions.
While it is possible to manually integrate the BDD process with any library or software, Sismic is bundled with a
command-line utility sismic-bdd
(or python -m sismic.bdd
) that automates the integration of BDD.
Sismic support for BDD relies on Behave, a Python library for BDD with full support of the Gherkin language.
As an illustrative example, let us define the desired behavior of our elevator statechart. We first create a feature file that contains several scenarios of interest. By convention, this file has the extension .feature, but this is not mandatory. The example illustrates that Sismic provides a set of predefined steps (e.g., given, when, then) to describe common statechart behavior without having to write a single line of Python code.
Feature: Elevator
Scenario: Elevator starts on ground floor
When I do nothing
Then variable current equals 0
And variable destination equals 0
Scenario: Elevator can move to 7th floor
When I send event floorSelected with floor=7
Then variable current equals 7
Scenario: Elevator can move to 4th floor
When I send event floorSelected
| parameter | value |
| floor | 4 |
| dummy | None |
Then variable current equals 4
Scenario: Elevator reaches ground floor after 10 seconds
When I reproduce "Elevator can move to 7th floor"
Then variable current equals 7
When I wait 10 seconds
Then variable current equals 0
# Example using another step:
And expression "current == 0" holds
Scenario Outline: Elevator can reach floor from 0 to 5
When I send event floorSelected with floor=<floor>
Then variable current equals <floor>
| floor |
| 0 |
| 1 |
| 2 |
| 3 |
| 4 |
| 5 |
Let us save this file as elevator.feature in the same directory as the statechart description, elevator.yaml.
We can then instruct sismic-bdd
to run on this statechart the scenarios described in the feature file:
sismic-bdd elevator.yaml --features elevator.feature
Under the hood, sismic-bdd
will create a temporary directory where all the files required to execute
Behave are put. It also makes available a list of predefined given, when, and then steps and sets up many
hooks that are required to integrate Sismic and Behave.
Module sismic.bdd
exposes a execute_bdd()
function that is internally
used by sismic-bdd
CLI, and that can be used if programmatic access to these features is required.
When sismic-bdd
is executed, it will somehow translate the feature file into executable code, compute the outcomes
of the scenarios, check whether they match what is expected, and display as summary of all executed scenarios and
encountered errors:
1 feature passed, 0 failed, 0 skipped
10 scenarios passed, 0 failed, 0 skipped
22 steps passed, 0 failed, 0 skipped, 0 undefined
Took 0m0.027s
The sismic-bdd
command-line interface accepts several other parameters:
usage: sismic-bdd [-h] --features features [features ...]
[--steps steps [steps ...]]
[--properties properties [properties ...]] [--show-steps]
Command-line utility to execute Gherkin feature files using Behave. Extra parameters will be passed to Behave.
positional arguments:
statechart A YAML file describing a statechart
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--features features [features ...]
A list of files containing features
--steps steps [steps ...]
A list of files containing steps implementation
--properties properties [properties ...]
A list of filepaths pointing to YAML property
statecharts. They will be checked at runtime following
a fail fast approach.
--show-steps Display a list of available steps (equivalent to
Behave's --steps parameter
--debug-on-error Drop in a debugger in case of step failure (ipdb if
Additionally, any extra parameter provided to sismic-bdd
will be passed to Behave.
See command-line parameters of Behave
for more information.
Predefined steps¶
In order to be able to execute scenarios, a Python developer needs to write code defining the mapping from the actions and assertions expressed as natural language sentences in the scenarios (using specific keywords such as given, when or then) to Python code that manipulates the statechart. To facilitate the implementation of this mapping, Sismic provides a set of predefined statechart-specific steps.
By convention, steps starting with given or when correspond to actions that must be applied on the statechart,
while steps starting with then correspond to assertions about the execution or the current state of the statechart.
More precisely, (1) all given or when steps implicitly call the execute()
method of the underlying interpreter, (2) all when steps capture the output of these calls, and (3) we developed all
predefined then steps to assert things based on the captured output (implying that only the steps that start
with when will be monitored in practice).
“Given” and “when” steps¶
Given/when I send event {name}
This step queues an event with provided name.
Given/when I send event {name} with {parameter}={value}
This step queues an event with provided name and parameter. More than one parameter can be specified when using Gherkin tables, as follows:
Scenario: Elevator can move to 4th floor When I send event floorSelected | parameter | value | | floor | 4 | | dummy | None |
Given/when I wait {seconds:g} seconds
Given/when I wait {seconds:g} second
These steps increase the internal clock of the interpreter.
Given/when I do nothing
This step does nothing. It’s main usage is when assertions using then steps are written as first steps of a scenario. As they require a when step to be present, use “when I do nothing”.
Given/when I reproduce “{scenario}”
This step reproduces all the given and when steps that are contained in provided scenario. When this step is prefixed with given (resp. when), the steps of the provided scenario will be reproduced using given (resp. when).
Scenario: Elevator can move to 7th floor When I send event floorSelected with floor=7 Then variable current equals 7 Scenario: Elevator reaches ground floor after 10 seconds When I reproduce "Elevator can move to 7th floor" Then variable current equals 7 When I wait 10 seconds Then variable current equals 0
Given/when I repeat “{step}” {repeat:d} times
This step repeats given step several times. The text of the step must be provided without its keyword, and will be executed using the current keyword (given or when).
“Then” steps¶
Then state {name} is entered
Then state {name} is not entered
Then state {name} is exited
Then state {name} is not exited
These steps assert that a state with provided name was respectively entered, not entered, exited, not exited.
Then state {name} is active
Then state {name} is not active
These steps assert that a state with provided name is (not) in the active configuration of the statechart.
Then event {name} is fired
Then event {name} is fired with {parameter}={value}
These steps assert that an event with provided name was sent. Additional parameters can be provided using Gherkin tables.
Then event {name} is not fired
This step asserts that no event with provided name was sent.
Then no event is fired
This step asserts that no event was fired.
Then variable {variable} equals {value}
This step asserts that the context of the statechart has a variable with a given name and a given value.
Then variable {variable} does not equal {value}
This step asserts that the context of a statechart has a variable with a given name, but a value different than the one that is provided.
Then expression “{expression}” holds
Then expression “{expression}” does not hold
These steps assert that given expression holds (does not hold). The expression will be evaluated by the underlying code evaluator (a
by default) using the current context.
Then statechart is in a final configuration
Then statechart is not in a final configuration
These steps assert that the statechart is (not) in a final configuration.
Implementing new steps¶
While the steps that are already predefined should be sufficient to manipulate the statechart, it is more intuitive
to use domain-specific steps to write scenarios.
For example, if the statechart being tested encodes the behavior of a microwave oven, the domain-specific step
“Given I open the door” corresponds to the action of sending an event door_opened
to the statechart, and is
more intuitive to use when writing scenarios.
Consider the following scenarios expressed using a domain-specific language:
Feature: Cooking
Scenario: Start cooking food
Given I open the door
And I place an item in the oven
And I close the door
And I press increase timer button 5 times
And I press increase power button
When I press start button
Then heating turns on
Scenario: Stop cooking food
Given I reproduce "Start cooking food"
When 2 seconds elapsed
Then variable timer equals 3
When I press stop button
Then variable timer equals 0
And heating turns off
Scenario: Cooking stops after preset time
Given I reproduce "Start cooking food"
When 5 seconds elapsed
Then variable timer equals 0
And heating turns off
The mapping from domain-specific step “Given I open the door” to the action of sending a door opened event to the statechart could be defined using plain Python code, by defining a new step following Python Step Implementations of Behave.
from behave import given, when
@given('I open the door')
@when('I open the door')
def opening_door(context):
For convenience, the context
parameter automatically provided by Behave at runtime exposes three Sismic-specific
attributes, namely interpreter
, trace
and monitored_trace
The first one corresponds to the interpreter being executed, the second one is a list of all executed macro steps,
and the third one is list of executed macro steps restricted to the ones that were performed during the
execution of the previous block of when steps.
However, this domain-specific step can also be implemented more easily as an alias of predefined step “Given I send event door_opened”. As we believe that most of the domain-specific steps are just aliases or combinations of predefined steps, Sismic provides two convenient helpers to map new steps to predefined ones:
- sismic.bdd.map_action(step_text, existing_step_or_steps)
Map new “given”/”when” steps to one or many existing one(s). Parameters are propagated to the original step(s) as well, as expected.
map_action(‘I open door’, ‘I send event open_door’)
map_action(‘Event {name} has to be sent’, ‘I send event {name}’)
map_action(‘I do two things’, [‘First thing to do’, ‘Second thing to do’])
- sismic.bdd.map_assertion(step_text, existing_step_or_steps)
Map a new “then” step to one or many existing one(s). Parameters are propagated to the original step(s) as well, as expected.
map_assertion(‘door is open’, ‘state door open is active’) map_assertion(‘{x} seconds elapsed’, ‘I wait for {x} seconds’) map_assertion(‘assert two things’, [‘first thing to assert’, ‘second thing to assert’])
Using these helpers, one can easily implement the domain-specific steps of our example:
from sismic.bdd import map_action, map_assertion
map_action('I open the door', 'I send event door_opened')
map_action('I close the door', 'I send event door_closed')
map_action('I place an item in the oven', 'I send event item_placed')
map_action('I press increase timer button {time} times', 'I repeat "I send event timer_inc" {time} times')
map_action('I press increase power button', 'I send event power_inc')
map_action('I press start button', 'I send event cooking_start')
map_action('I press stop button', 'I send event cooking_stop')
map_action('{tick} seconds elapsed', 'I repeat "I send event timer_tick" {tick} times')
map_assertion('Heating turns on', 'event heating_on is fired')
map_assertion('Heating does not turn on', 'event heating_on is not fired')
map_assertion('heating turns off', 'event heating_off is fired')
map_assertion('lamp turns on', 'event lamp_switch_on is fired')
map_assertion('lamp turns off', 'event lamp_switch_off is fired')
Assuming that the features are defined in cooking.feature
, these steps in
, and the microwave in
, then sismic-bdd
can be used as follows:
$ sismic-bdd microwave.yaml --steps --features cooking.feature
Feature: Cooking # cooking.feature:1
1 feature passed, 0 failed, 0 skipped
3 scenarios passed, 0 failed, 0 skipped
17 steps passed, 0 failed, 0 skipped, 0 undefined
Took 0m0.040s