Dealing with time

It is quite usual in statecharts to find notations such as “after 30 seconds”, often expressed as specific events on a transition. Sismic does not support the use of these special events, and proposes instead to deal with time by making use of some specifics provided by its interpreter and the default Python code evaluator.

Every interpreter has an internal clock whose value is initially set to 0. This internal clock is exposed by by the time property of an Interpreter. This property allows one to execute a statechart using simulated time. In other word, the value of this property won’t change, unless you set it by yourself.

The built-in Python code evaluator allows one to make use of after(...), idle(...) in guards or contracts. These two Boolean predicates can be used to automatically compare the current time (as exposed by the interpreter) with a predefined value that depends on the state in which the predicate is used. For instance, after(x) will evaluate to True if the current time of the interpreter is at least x units greater than the time when the state using this predicate (or source state in the case of a transition) was entered. Similarly, idle(x) evaluates to True if no transition was triggered during the last x units of time.

Note that while this property was initially designed to manage simulate time, it can also be used to synchronise the internal clock of an interpreter with the real time, i.e. wall-clock time.

Simulated time

The following example illustrates a statechart modeling the behavior of a simple elevator. If the elevator is sent to the 4th floor then, according to the YAML definition of this statechart, the elevator should automatically go back to the ground floor after 10 seconds.

- target: doorsClosed
  guard: after(10) and current > 0
  action: destination = 0

Rather than waiting for 10 seconds, one can simulate this. First, one should load the statechart and initialize the interpreter:

from import import_from_yaml
from sismic.interpreter import Interpreter, Event

statechart = import_from_yaml(filepath='examples/elevator/elevator.yaml')

interpreter = Interpreter(statechart)

The internal clock of our interpreter is 0. This is, interpreter.time == 0 holds. We now ask our elevator to go to the 4th floor.

interpreter.queue(Event('floorSelected', floor=4))

The elevator should now be on the 4th floor. We inform the interpreter that 2 seconds have elapsed:

interpreter.time += 2

The output should be an empty list []. Of course, nothing happened since the condition after(10) is not satisfied yet. We now inform the interpreter that 8 additional seconds have elapsed.

interpreter.time += 8

The output now contains a list of steps, from which we can see that the elevator has moved down to the ground floor. We can check the current floor:


This displays 0.

Real or wall-clock time

If a statechart needs to be aware of a real clock, the simplest way to achieve this is by using the time.time() function of Python. In a nutshell, the idea is to synchronize interpreter.time with a real clock. Let us first initialize an interpreter using one of our statechart example, the elevator:

from import import_from_yaml
from sismic.interpreter import Interpreter, Event

statechart = import_from_yaml(filepath='examples/elevator/elevator.yaml')

interpreter = Interpreter(statechart)

The interpreter initially sets its clock to 0. As we are interested in a real-time simulation of the statechart, we need to set the internal clock of our interpreter. We import from time a real clock, and store its value into a starttime variable.

import time
starttime = time.time()

We can now execute the statechart by sending a floorSelected event, and wait for the output. For our example, we first ask the statechart to send to elevator to the 4th floor.

interpreter.queue(Event('floorSelected', floor=4))
print('Current floor:', interpreter.context.get('current'))
print('Current time:', interpreter.time)

At this point, the elevator is on the 4th floor and is waiting for another input event. The internal clock value is still 0.

Current floor: 4
Current time: 0

We should inform our interpreter of the new current time. Of course, as our interpreter follows a discrete simulation, nothing really happens until we call execute() or execute_once().

interpreter.time = time.time() - starttime
# Does nothing if (time.time() - starttime) is less than 10!

Assuming you quickly wrote these lines of code, nothing happened. But if you wait a little bit, and update the clock again, it should move the elevator to the ground floor.

interpreter.time = time.time() - starttime

And voilà!

As it is not very convenient to manually set the clock each time you want to execute something, it is best to put it in a loop. To avoid the use of a starttime variable, you can set the initial time of an interpreter right after its initialization. This is illustrated in the following example.

from import import_from_yaml
from sismic.interpreter import Interpreter, import Event

import time

# Load statechart and create an interpreter
statechart = import_from_yaml(filepath='examples/elevator.yaml')

# Set the initial time
interpreter = Interpreter(statechart)
interpreter.time = time.time()

# Send an initial event
interpreter.queue(Event('floorSelected', floor=4))

while not
    interpreter.time = time.time()
    if interpreter.execute():
        print('something happened at time {}'.format(interpreter.time))

    time.sleep(0.5)  # 500ms

Here, we called the sleep() function to slow down the loop (optional). The output should look like:

something happened at time 1450383083.9943285
something happened at time 1450383093.9920669

As our statechart does not define any way to reach a final configuration, the not condition always holds, and the execution needs to be interrupted manually.

Asynchronous execution

Notice from previous example that using a loop makes it impossible to send events to the interpreter. For convenience, sismic provides a sismic.helpers.run_in_background() function that run an interpreter in a thread, and does the job of synchronizing the clock for you.

sismic.helpers.run_in_background(interpreter, delay=0.05, callback=None)

Run given interpreter in background. The time is updated according to time.time() - starttime. The interpreter is ran until it reaches a final configuration. You can manually stop the thread using the added stop of the returned Thread object. This is for convenience only and should be avoided, because a call to stop puts the interpreter in an empty (and thus final) configuration, without properly leaving the active states.

  • interpreter (Interpreter) – an interpreter
  • delay (float) – delay between each call to execute()
  • callback (Optional[Callable[[List[MacroStep]], Any]]) – a function that accepts the result of execute.
Return type:



started thread (instance of threading.Thread)


An optional argument callback can be passed to run_in_background(). It must be a callable that accepts the (possibly empty) list of MacroStep returned by the underlying call to execute().